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Bucky Staff app

Scary Bucky

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Personal Information:

  • Discord Nick Name: The Scary Bucky
  • Discord UserID: thescarybucky
  • Steam Name:The Scary Bucky
  • SteamID: https:/
  • Age: 21
  • Time Zone: AEST
  • How long can you play during the week? anywhere from 10-23 hours
  • How long have you been in Tyler's Communities? a couple of years
  • Do you have a working microphone? Yes


Why should we pick you over other candidates?
I have the experience, but in all honesty I am a chill person I do not show any type of favoritism as I do not think people should show favoritism when they are appointed in a position of power over others, I am a fairly alright person I am not a asshole, I always offer help to someone who needs it and I got a cool ass accent.

Why do you want to become a staff member of Deathstar Gaming?
I want to do my best to help out the community, and the players.

Detail your previous staff experience:
I have been Manager on a few different servers and in charge of staff teams consisting of 20+ people, I got to that position from starting out as a trial moderator.


What can you offer that makes you stand out?
I will bring my long experience with the Garry's mod community (No I am not proud of wasting my life)  I understand the Garry's mod community and how to handle people who break the rules that have less than ideal intelligence, I will offer my calm thinking demeanor that I can use to help with Staff sits, and any issues with players.


Our staff team is divided into teams, do you work well in teams?

LostSkullKnight (Rocky)


Are you familiar with the server setup and complexities?

Why is abusing administration rights in terms of spawning items and money bad?
It ruins the Role-play experience that someone may get if they are trying to make a item, find it, or steal it. The abuse of spawning money can lead to  a influx of players getting guns quickly and easily and causing chaos that could ruin other players experience

Why is abusing administration rights in terms of nepotism bad?
It sets a bad example for players and may give them the idea that rules do not matter, and ruin other peoples experience.

Detail your experience with Dungeons & Dragons:
I have DM Call of Cthulhu, fantasy, and star wars dnd games I have also played in over ten different dnd campaigns

Do you have an understanding of SW5E which is required?


Do you understand that this job will be difficult & demanding at times?
I do understand that this will be difficult & demanding.


What is the purpose of a staff member, outside of punishment?
The Assist the player base in having a good place to rp, have fun and watch it grow, to help with issues that may arise such as someone losing a weapon, a minor incident of people arguing and it turning hostile.


Explain your conflict resolution experience:
My past experience of staffing I have never yelled or went off when someone wasn't listening I keep a calm, respectful demeanor even when someone is being hostile, disrespectful. Keeping a normal and calm tone will help show that I regardless of the situation haven't shown that the staff are a lot of people who just scream at others.


What is the most important job of a staff member?
A staff member should be there to support the community(This includes helping them) and enforce the rules of said community .


Why does Deathstar Gaming punish administrators who break rules far more severely when compared to regular users who break the same rule?
Because a staff member should have a greater grasp of the rules and the systems in place, as they have the responsibility to enforce them failure to follow them sets bad examples for the players.


By submitting this application, you agree to abide by our server's rules and uphold the principles of fairness and integrity. If you were to become a staff member, do you promise to act with professionalism and dedication?

Yes, I do.

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