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  2. Vehicles when ramming players or blowing up will now ragdoll the victim for 3 seconds. Worldspawn damage (fall damage, crush, etc.) will now ragdoll the victim for 3 seconds.
  3. Civilian Vehicles are in! These are the temporary vehicles currently available on Coruscant!
  4. Resource Bundles & Caches Civilians Jobs 1.) Mine ores or collect scrap. 2.) Turn scrap into RD-033 for instant pay out. 3.) Await for an imperial to hire you to transport caches. Optionally, Hijack active imperial cargo transports! Imperials Job 1.) Purchase resource bundles, 10 makes a bundle from Warrant Officer Jackson Howard. 2.) Transport your cache to your nearest cargo vessel. 3.) Press "E" to enable MagLock on your crates to lock them to your cargo vessel. 4.) Transport them to the cargo bay at the docks. 5.) Turn them in for a profit!
  5. Pending At this time, we are reviewing your application for a final result.
  6. Pending At this time, we are reviewing your application for a final result.
  7. Pending At this time, we are reviewing your application for a final result.
  8. Pending At this time, we are reviewing your application for a final result.
  9. Accepted Please send a DM to trustedrichard on discord to get setup.
  10. Accepted Please send a DM to trustedrichard on discord to get setup.
  11. Denied You have not played the server since the beta has been released.
  12. Personal Information: Discord Nick Name: Marlowe Discord UserID :_marlowe_ Steam Name:Liberty Prime SteamID:STEAM_0:1:530916421 Age:21 Time Zone: CST, But I normally am on later in the night How long can you play during the week? Around 20-30 a week, This is The estimate on the lower end, Since as of now it is around 45hours a week How long have you been in Tyler's Communities? Shortley Before the start of this current server Do you have a working microphone? Yes, But I prefer not to use it. Why should we pick you over other candidates? I should be Picked over other candidates because: 1. I have a Stake in this community with both of my lives being either Important (Storm Marshall) or Semi Important (Dark Trooper) 2. I have been Staff on quite a few servers So I have the ability to already know what I am doing 3. I am an experienced Dungeon Master So if someone has a problem with DND rules, I should be able to help them, I could also settle any rule problems people have with the Fifth Edition Rules. Why do you want to become a staff member of Deathstar Gaming? I wish to become a staff member so that I may help the current staff out. If I am able to become a member of staff I will focus more on the Dungeon Master Part of the DND server, Such as responding to admin tickets about breaking into the armory. I shall also Do my best to resolve any problems people may have, no matter how stupid. Detail your previous staff experience: My Previous Staff Experiences have been mostly as a Gamemaster on Other Servers, such as, Cinematic, Blackwater, Sentinel Networks, Evoress Networks and Finally Winter Networks are all Servers that I have been Gamemaster on Before. I am almost 100% sure that I am missing a few but I don't have the best of memory or it has been quite a while. Not all of the servers I have been staff on has been Star wars RP, but I would say that them not all being star wars RP shall let me have a different perspective on RP, and will allow me to try to teach others that not all RP has to be combat based. What can you offer that makes you stand out? I can Offer Experience not only as a Gamemaster on star Wars Servers, but also as an experienced DM for Dungeons and dragons Fifth Edition, I have also Ran a bit of SW5E Before as well. With my Experience as a DM for Fifth Edition I will have the ability to settle and rule problems that people have when doing DND RP. Our staff team is divided into teams, do you work well in teams? I would say I work the Best in A team, Since responsibilities can be divided accordingly. Are you familiar with the server setup and complexities? I am quite familiar with the server Setup, It is a DND Fifth Edition Server Based on SW5E, That hopes to be Accurate to The vision of Star Wars. Why is abusing administration rights in terms of spawning items and money bad? Abusing Admin powers for spawning items and money is bad because not only does it erode the trust that users have in the administrators, it also will give admins an unfair advantage over regular users Why is abusing administration rights in terms of nepotism bad? Nepotism will lead to the server being dominated by a close friend group and will make those with actual potential be passed over for promotion/ being punished in unfair circumstances. Detail your experience with Dungeons & Dragons: I semi regularly play Dungeons and dragons with Friends every weekend, I also have been the Dungeon Master of Quite a few campaigns. Do you have an understanding of SW5E which is required? Yes I would say I do Do you understand that this job will be difficult & demanding at times? I understand that the position of Admin may be difficult and demanding. I also understand that the work required of me May get in the way of my own Roleplay and I fully accept that. What is the purpose of a staff member, outside of punishment? The Purpose of a staff member is multifold: 1. Staff Members should be players that new ones can look up to 2. Staff members should follow the Rules at all times 3. Staff members should help new players and seek to drive up Roleplay of others. Explain your conflict resolution experience: My conflict Resolution Experience Is mostly limited to people who refuse to RP in events, I have mostly resolved these by making it so that those who wish to only Fight, Have something else to do during downtime and passive RP Periods, In the case of this server that would be Doing the Proper Roleplay to get A Simulation set up so that others may fight in it What is the most important job of a staff member? The most important Job of a staff member is to ensure that Players are having fun. I believe this to be the case because if the normal player is not enjoying themselves then it can be indictive of a problem, whether it be someone breaking the rules, or something simple as no Roleplay happening. Why does Deathstar Gaming punish administrators who break rules far more severely when compared to regular users who break the same rule? Administrators are expected to know and uphold the rules so if a staff member breaks it, it is seen as a much worse offense. By submitting this application, you agree to abide by our server's rules and uphold the principles of fairness and integrity. If you were to become a staff member, do you promise to act with professionalism and dedication? Yes I do
  13. Personal Information: Discord Nick Name: The Scary Bucky Discord UserID: thescarybucky Steam Name:The Scary Bucky SteamID: https:/ Age: 21 Time Zone: AEST How long can you play during the week? anywhere from 10-23 hours How long have you been in Tyler's Communities? a couple of years Do you have a working microphone? Yes Why should we pick you over other candidates? I have the experience, but in all honesty I am a chill person I do not show any type of favoritism as I do not think people should show favoritism when they are appointed in a position of power over others, I am a fairly alright person I am not a asshole, I always offer help to someone who needs it and I got a cool ass accent. Why do you want to become a staff member of Deathstar Gaming? I want to do my best to help out the community, and the players. Detail your previous staff experience: I have been Manager on a few different servers and in charge of staff teams consisting of 20+ people, I got to that position from starting out as a trial moderator. What can you offer that makes you stand out? I will bring my long experience with the Garry's mod community (No I am not proud of wasting my life) I understand the Garry's mod community and how to handle people who break the rules that have less than ideal intelligence, I will offer my calm thinking demeanor that I can use to help with Staff sits, and any issues with players. Our staff team is divided into teams, do you work well in teams? LostSkullKnight (Rocky) Are you familiar with the server setup and complexities? Yes. Why is abusing administration rights in terms of spawning items and money bad? It ruins the Role-play experience that someone may get if they are trying to make a item, find it, or steal it. The abuse of spawning money can lead to a influx of players getting guns quickly and easily and causing chaos that could ruin other players experience Why is abusing administration rights in terms of nepotism bad? It sets a bad example for players and may give them the idea that rules do not matter, and ruin other peoples experience. Detail your experience with Dungeons & Dragons: I have DM Call of Cthulhu, fantasy, and star wars dnd games I have also played in over ten different dnd campaigns Do you have an understanding of SW5E which is required? Yes Do you understand that this job will be difficult & demanding at times? I do understand that this will be difficult & demanding. What is the purpose of a staff member, outside of punishment? The Assist the player base in having a good place to rp, have fun and watch it grow, to help with issues that may arise such as someone losing a weapon, a minor incident of people arguing and it turning hostile. Explain your conflict resolution experience: My past experience of staffing I have never yelled or went off when someone wasn't listening I keep a calm, respectful demeanor even when someone is being hostile, disrespectful. Keeping a normal and calm tone will help show that I regardless of the situation haven't shown that the staff are a lot of people who just scream at others. What is the most important job of a staff member? A staff member should be there to support the community(This includes helping them) and enforce the rules of said community . Why does Deathstar Gaming punish administrators who break rules far more severely when compared to regular users who break the same rule? Because a staff member should have a greater grasp of the rules and the systems in place, as they have the responsibility to enforce them failure to follow them sets bad examples for the players. By submitting this application, you agree to abide by our server's rules and uphold the principles of fairness and integrity. If you were to become a staff member, do you promise to act with professionalism and dedication? Yes, I do.
  14. Here's what you'll need to play our server: Dungeons & Dragons Player Handbook Starwars 5th Edition Player Handbook Quick Reference Chart Combat Guide Conditions Guide Spellcasting Guide Weather Guide Wilderness Travel Guide Another Reference Guide Here's another quick-reference:
  15. General Rules If it's not written, it's not a rule. Deathmatch is not allowed, you need a valid reason to attack someone. Roleplay matters more than combat, always. You may not discriminate based on unchangable characteristics such as race, eye color, hair color, etc. You may not meta game or use knowledge outside of your characters scope of existence. You may not transfer items, money, gear, knowledge or anything to any other characters of yours, even by proxy. No promotions outside of STAFF INTERVENTION may exceed more than one rank per day. You must follow SW5E and D&D guidelines when playing this server. You may not transfer knowledge between characters that you play by any means. You may not actively disrespect the staff team, community or gamemode. You may not discuss IC matters in OOC, Discord, or anywhere outside of the game & forums. You may not discuss OOC matters in IC. Erotic roleplay will result in a permanent ban. You may not exceed O-3 on more than one character unless a Super Admin or higher has given you written permission. All communications for your character, including requests for backup must be made ON-SERVER. Not discord calls. You may send mundane, non-roleplay impacting communications to people through discord, voice chats, and etc. such as "Hey, are you in game? I need to talk to you" and "Can we meet in game real quick, I'm in my office." So long as you are not doing so to entice others to join an active rp situation such as but not limited to, you being captured, held hostage or to capture that person for any reason. You may not fail to commit to roleplay, even if you're losing - Don't be salty just because you are losing. Spamming, annoying behavior and abuse of systems is not allowed. Exploiting, hacking, etc. will result in a permanent ban. Fear Roleplay is not enforced by numbers, rather roleplay. Try intimidation. No character is immune, even droids. Any form of child exploitation material will be forwarded to your local authorities. You may not jail a player for more than 10 minutes without active roleplay occuring. Their in cell sentence may not exceed 10 minutes, walking them to the cell, interrogation, etc does not count towards this time limitation. You may not self promote, or trade promotions with another player. Your character must not be offensive, rude or otherwise in name, description or likewise. You may not ram with vehicles on purpose. You must make an attempt to avoid running over players or colliding with other vehicles. If players are intentionally trying to block your vehicle you may proceed forward while attempting to move around them. Custom Factions, Imperials, Crime Organizations and Organized Rebels may control planets, only. Planetary wars are to occur by staff announcement. Each Planet may be warred over once per day. You may not intentionally ruin someones experience. You may not permakill or name kill without valid reasoning. Valid reasons include You have been assaulted by the individual that would cause grave bodily harm or death. You have been threatened by the individual that implied grave bodily harm or death is IMMINENT. Officers O-4 and greater of the Empire may commit summary executions of soldiers in their regiment if that soldier has displayed a repeated pattern of unwillingness to be cooperative or otherwise combative. You have been threatened with, or convicted of a prison sentence that is 25 years or greater. You may only target the accusing party and judge, NOT the entire empire. Staff must approve of all Name & Perma kills. Staff have the final say in all matters. You may not roll stack or compound rolls sequentially. If you are in a squad of three storm troopers, and your prisoner attempts to perform an action - say escape the cuffs, then only one person may attempt to stop them. You may not repeat actions for the same outcome with the same manner of action. If you failed, you failed. Drug systems may not be legalized by any entity, government or group.
  16. Imperial Government Office of the Chairman Coruscant Classified Document: Public Document ID: EMPIRE-COM-NEW-SOS-YGF-053 Date: [1. 8. 15BBY] Issued By: Senate Director Luceaous Gray Recipient: A. Prox Senate Appointment Under the Authority of The Senate Director I, Senate Director Luceaous Gray, acting on behalf of the Galactic Empire, hereby appoint A. Prox to hold the official title of Speaker of the Senate. A. Prox will serve as the Speaker of the Imperial Senate, directly representing and reporting to The Senate Director. This appointment is essential to ensure the efficient and effective governance of the Imperial Senate in alignment with the directives of The Senate Director. Authority Definitions The primary role and responsibility of Speaker A. Prox shall center on impartially reading and presenting new laws and legislative proposals to the Senate without bias, facilitating fair and transparent deliberations. Impartial Presentation of New Laws: Speaker A. Prox is entrusted with the duty to read and present new laws, legislative proposals, and amendments to the Senate without introducing personal bias or influence, ensuring fair and unbiased dissemination of information. Procedural Guidance: In addition to impartial presentation, Speaker A. Prox will provide procedural guidance, ensuring the orderly and fair discussion of new laws within the Senate, adhering strictly to established parliamentary procedures. Non-partisan Oversight: Speaker A. Prox shall maintain a non-partisan stance, refraining from personal or political biases, while providing oversight during the legislative process, allowing for informed, objective, and impartial discussions. Privileges and Responsibilities Access and Clearance: Speaker A. Prox shall possess the necessary clearance to access classified documents marked with a classification level of "Top Secret" within the Senate's sphere of authority under the guidance of The Senate Director. Briefings and Coordination: Regular briefings will be provided to Speaker A. Prox regarding critical matters affecting the Empire, ensuring alignment with The Senate Director's objectives, particularly in matters concerning legislative processes. Security Protocols Speaker A. Prox is expected to strictly adhere to security protocols, ensuring the confidentiality of classified information and preventing unauthorized access or disclosure. Any breach of these protocols will result in immediate consequences as determined by The Senate Director. Renewal Clearance and appointment as Speaker of the Senate will be subject to periodic reviews and evaluations to ensure continued trustworthiness, impartiality, and adherence to security protocols under The Senate Director's authority. Senate Director Luceaous Gray Imperial Senate
  17. Imperial Government The Senate Coruscant Classified Document: Public Document ID: EMPIRE-COM-NEW-AT-YGF-099 Date: 1-7-15BBY Issued By: Senate Director Luceaous Gray Recipient: Bruce Campbell Senate Emergency Appointment Preamble: In light of the urgent need for effective leadership and strategic command within the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial Senate convenes to swiftly address the critical appointment of a new Storm Marshall. Decree: Appointment of Storm Marshall: In consideration of valor, expertise, and unwavering dedication to the Imperial cause, Bruce Campbell is hereby appointed as the new Storm Marshall to lead the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. Emergency Mandate: Given the exigent circumstances and the paramount importance of ensuring immediate command and coordination within the Stormtrooper Corps, this appointment shall take effect immediately upon issuance of this decree. Responsibilities and Authorities: As Storm Marshall, Bruce Campbell is entrusted with the supreme command and strategic oversight of the Stormtrooper Corps, responsible for their training, deployment, and execution of missions critical to the defense and stability of the Galactic Empire. Oath of Service: Bruce Campbell shall undertake an oath, swearing allegiance to the Galactic Empire, upholding its principles, protecting its citizens, and commanding the Stormtrooper Corps with honor, loyalty, and unwavering dedication. Support and Compliance: All units and personnel within the Stormtrooper Corps are directed to extend their full cooperation, respect, and allegiance to Storm Marshall Bruce Campbell, ensuring the seamless execution of commands and directives for the Empire's defense. Duration of Appointment: This emergency appointment shall remain in effect until further notice from the Imperial Senate, providing stability and efficient leadership within the Stormtrooper Corps during this critical juncture.
  18. Already Completed, Can this be changed or removed
  19. - General Information - Are you a Coruscant Citizen; Yes Applicant Name; Ktukk Tel Contact Information: warcommander_ - Business Information - Business Name; Tel Gunship Brief Business Description; While the empire can't cover all the darkest corner, Tel Gunship is there to help your average Coruscant Citizen feel a bit more safer with a License Firearm while also having the Empire cover as well. Makes custom firearm for the weapon and Citizen with no criminal history and License, while also keeping all non-Imperial logged. Associated members of the proposed business; Owner: Ktukk Tel | Employees: None License Type; Monthly Projected Weekly Income; 1-4k Credit
  20. To Director Glendesh Nev I have just surrendered the guns to a agent of the ISB. I hope they find their way to you. Glory to the Empire. Signed, Chairman L. Vonderbalt, Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild
  21. Imperials will now have access to free vehicles that they can summon at any time.
  22. Imperial Executive Order Major TK-45330 1. 5. 15 BBY ST Mandates for the ST, Scouts, Shock, and 501st Due to currents orders being Misunderstood I will be taking command in place of The Previous Storm-Marshall. Under is a set of basic guidlines that all ST units are to follow. Your names are meant to stay classified to all but the Higher Command all troopers from here on will be Disciplined for ditching their numbers all TK units will use TK-##### Please adhere. All Units will also now be required to Follow pauldron mandate Enlisted - Shinies SL+/CPL+ - Black SGT+ - Black/White overlay CWO - Full White Sub Officer+ - Gray/blue CPT+ - Yellow LTC+ - Orange Storm Marshall - Red Please Adhere
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