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If you spend $10 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive 3x T1 GTN Caches on top of your existing rewards!

If you spend $20 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive 3x T1 Weapon Caches on top of your existing rewards!

If you spend $50 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive T2 Armor Modulator on top of your existing rewards!

If you spend $100 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive T2 Black Market Access on top of your existing rewards!

If you spend $250 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive a Custom Faction on top of your existing rewards!

If you spend $500 or more during the pre-release to help us achieve our launch goal, then you will receive Custom Ship/Base (30d) on top of your existing rewards!