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From The Chairman's Office of The Galactic Commerce Guild: Letter to Director General Wulf V. Blitzer and Imperial Office of Criminal Investigation

Imperial Phoenix

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Hello Good Sir,

I Hope this finds you in good health, as now the Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild, I believe a issue requires the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau and the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigation. 
The Governor of Coruscant issued me a contract for a arms dealing business by the name of Vanderbolt's Mutions. He required me to pay him a 5% tax on all weapons sold each week. Before conducting my operations,  It came to my attention that Imperial Law dictates all  firearms not distributed by the Imperial Government to be a crime. He failed to properly inform me of the required laws. As a measure of good faith, I will be surrendering all munitions that I have acquired. 
I will also request a formal inquiry into the Governor  and I will be pursuing this matter in the proper legal channels. 

Please contact me so I may surrender the firearms safely. 


Chairman L. Vonderbalt, Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild

Edited by Imperial Phoenix
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Dear Mr. Vonderbalt,

Thank you for this information and your willingness to do the right thing and hand over your weapons to the proper authorities. I will have some of my men, along with members of the IOCI, reclaim the weapons so they can be properly handled. As for the lack of forewarning on the nature of the laws of the Empire. While it is expected for all of the Empire's citizens to be aware of the laws of the Empire, you were still issued a license for a business whose main merchandise is against Imperial law, so I shall forward this letter to the proper channels.


Long Live the Empire

Wulf von Blitzer

Director General of the ISB

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Hello Public Citizen,

I am the Senate Director, Luceaous Gray, Thank you for your compliance to the rules of law. Due to your loyalty to the governments above you, we will look past the fact that you are naming yourself as an unidentified governmental position. As for the Governor, I will have the formal report requested by you forwarded with swift priority to the proper authority. If you could as well point out who or what entity named you a Chairman of Commerce. All sales are to be handled directly by Empire authority with proper taxation. As you are not the proper authority you must commit all sales within the Guidelines of the Committee of Commerce which may only be appointed by Chairman of The Commission of The Preservation of The New Order.  

Senator Luceaous Gray,
Senate Director and Commissioner of The Commission of The Imperial Intelligence Agencies.

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Chairman Vonderbalt,

Your loyalty shown by passing this information along has been noted. I require more information on this issue to correctly identify the next steps to resolve this issue. Your continued cooperation would be greatly appreciated if you would be willing to meet me in person. Inform me of a time and a place so we may put this behind us as soon as possible.



Glendesh Nev


Imperial Office of Criminal Investigation

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15 hours ago, Liriun24 said:

Hello Public Citizen,

I am the Senate Director, Luceaous Gray, Thank you for your compliance to the rules of law. Due to your loyalty to the governments above you, we will look past the fact that you are naming yourself as an unidentified governmental position. As for the Governor, I will have the formal report requested by you forwarded with swift priority to the proper authority. If you could as well point out who or what entity named you a Chairman of Commerce. All sales are to be handled directly by Empire authority with proper taxation. As you are not the proper authority you must commit all sales within the Guidelines of the Committee of Commerce which may only be appointed by Chairman of The Commission of The Preservation of The New Order.  

Senator Luceaous Gray,
Senate Director and Commissioner of The Commission of The Imperial Intelligence Agencies.

To Senator Luceaous Gray,
Thank you for your understanding. On the note of my title, it is not a Imperial Ranking, nor am I attempting to assume a post, I merely lead a corporation that has a chairman as its figurehead. My Guild intends to follow all Imperial Regulations and Taxation.
Glory to the Empire.


Chairman L. Vonderbalt, Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:13 PM, Imperial Phoenix said:

To Director Glendesh Nev

Thank you for your understanding and Glory to the Empire! I am available between 6 and 10 Empire standard time. 


Chairman L. Vonderbalt, Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild

To Director Glendesh Nev

I have just surrendered the guns to a agent of the ISB. I hope they find their way to you. Glory to the Empire.


Chairman L. Vonderbalt, Chairman of the Galactic Commerce Guild

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