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Coruscant Business Application


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Please fill out the following and await a response.


- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 

[Yes or No]

Applicant Name;


Contact Information;



- Business Information -

Business Name;


Brief Business Description;


Associated members of the proposed business;

[Owner, employees, shareholders, etc.]

License Type;

[Monthly, Weekly, Daily]

Projected Weekly Income;

[Rough Estimate]



Legate Merrok Orfkon

Office of Governor Xylon Ozzel



Edited by Reltek
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- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

IX-2770 "V1B3S" (Vibes OOC)

- Business Information -

Business Name;

The Drunken Jawa

Brief Business Description;

It is a pub that is open to the public of Coruscant. We will serve all types of food and alcohol imported from different systems of the galaxy. As well as freshly cooked food, and homemade specialty drinks. We also offer a variety of gambling activities, as well as private rooms for those who wish to dine or drink alone or with associates.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Owner: Senator Luceaous Gray. Employee: IX-2770 "V1B3S"

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;


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- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

Maximillian Humphry


- Business Information -

Business Name;

Coruscant Collectable Bazaar

Brief Business Description;

A high end antique/collectible shop selling old artifacts and rare items for display purposes.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Owner: Maximillian Humphry.  | Employees: Rex Haul, Ran Var

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;

5,000 credits



Legate Merrok Orfkon

Office of Governor Xylon Ozzel

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21 hours ago, Vibes said:

- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

 IX-2770 "V1B3S"  (Vibes OOC)

- Business Information -

Business Name;

The Drunken Jawa

Brief Business Description;

It is a pub that is open to the public of Coruscant. We will serve all types of food and alcohol imported from different systems of the galaxy. As well as freshly cooked food, and homemade specialty drinks. We also offer a variety of gambling activities, as well as private rooms for those who wish to dine or drink alone or with associates.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Owner: Senator Luceaous Gray. Employee: IX-2770 "V1B3S"

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;



Your Business has been approved.



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- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

Lux Vonderbalt

- Business Information -

Business Name;

Galactic Commerce Guild

Brief Business Description;

A Guild in the purpose of providing a place where prospecting entrepreneurs can find funding and communicate with the galactic community. Along with that, A Block for Owners to advocate for legislation and stay up-to-date on Imperial Policy.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Lux Vonderbalt

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;

1-1.5k Credits

Edited by Imperial Phoenix
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On 12/1/2023 at 3:50 PM, E.T said:

- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

Maximillian Humphry


- Business Information -

Business Name;

Coruscant Collectable Bazaar

Brief Business Description;

A high end antique/collectible shop selling old artifacts and rare items for display purposes.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Owner: Maximillian Humphry.  | Employees: Rex Haul, Ran Var

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;

5,000 credits



Legate Merrok Orfkon

Office of Governor Xylon Ozzel

Accepted - Please get in contact to sign the relevant documents. (Discord: .reltek)

4 hours ago, Imperial Phoenix said:

- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

Lux Vonderbalt

- Business Information -

Business Name;

Galactic Commerce Guild

Brief Business Description;

A Guild in the purpose of providing a place where prospecting entrepreneurs can find funding and communicate with the galactic community. Along with that, A Block for Owners to advocate for legislation and stay up-to-date on Imperial Policy.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Lux Vonderbalt

License Type;


Projected Weekly Income;

1-1.5k Credits

Accepted - Please get in contact to sign the relevant documents. (Discord: .reltek)

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- General Information -

Are you a Coruscant Citizen; 


Applicant Name;

 Ktukk Tel

Contact Information:


- Business Information -

Business Name;

Tel Gunship

Brief Business Description;

While the empire can't cover all the darkest corner, Tel Gunship is there to help your average Coruscant Citizen feel a bit more safer with a License Firearm while also having the Empire cover as well. Makes custom firearm for the weapon and Citizen with no criminal history and License, while also keeping all non-Imperial logged.

Associated members of the proposed business;

Owner: Ktukk Tel | Employees: None

License Type; 


Projected Weekly Income;

1-4k Credit

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